"All My Friends"
Maybe it's just that I've been sick the last couple weeks, and thus haven't gotten out much, but I've been feeling a sort of ache for my friends. No, the reclusiveness goes back farther, since the holidays at least. And with so many people moving away recently and with a trip up to Spokane to rekindle college ties, it all becomes this sort of missingness. I miss my friends.
Yesterday was the clincher, though, when I was at the gym and LCD Soundsystem's "All My Friends" came up on the iPod. If you don't know the song, check out the video. The end of the song repeats the line "if I could see all my friends tonight," and I realized that was just what I wanted.
I talked with Adam after the workout, and he agreed we have to do something about this. So my very grownup goal is to have a monthly dinner party. I wanted to start with next Saturday, but he's a bit busy finishing up some projects and asked that I hold off for a couple weeks. But this is something I will do. I just hope my friends will be willing to come.