The There Blog

Because Gertrude Stein said "there is no there there."

Monday, February 04, 2008

Lurleen Wallace

"Hillary Clinton is Lurleen Wallace with a better haircut," noted one response to Rebecca Traister's moving account of her own indecision on Salon. Not knowing who Lurleen Wallace was, I let the interweb educate me.

Two, no three, thoughts. One, I disagree that a Hillary Clinton presidency would be just a third term for Bill Clinton, a way for him to get around pesky term limits (at least, no more so than his administration served as Hillary's first two terms as president — if they were a twofer then, they'll be a twofer now). Two, George Wallace was a complete asshole (yes, this should have been obvious to everyone who saw his pro-segregation political career, so it's no surprise he treated his wife shitty, too). Three, Lurleen Wallace's Wikipedia entry was clearly written by someone who agrees with me about George Wallace's asshole-ness; however, that doesn't seem to diminish it's power as an encyclopedic reference. Sometimes "objectivity" is just a way to give cover to never taking a principled stand. Give me obvious bias over vague objectivity, any day.