The There Blog

Because Gertrude Stein said "there is no there there."

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

580 Split Call for Submissions

The reading period for issue 8 of 580 Split begins July 1 and extends through November 1. 580 Split, an annual journal of arts and literature, is both the convergence and divergence of many roads: a place of risk and possibility. The journal, which publishes innovative and experimental prose, poetry, and art, was named for the 580 Split, a risky jumble of ramps, overpasses, and interchanges, where highways cross, merge, intersect, and branch out in every direction.

580 Split
Mills College
P.O. Box 9982
Oakland, CA 94613

Include a cover letter with your name, address, phone number and email, submission titles, and biographical note of under 40 words. Submissions not accompanied by an SASE will not be considered. Simultaneous submissions are okay, as long as you let us know immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere. No previously published submissions will be accepted. Email submissions accepted only from authors living overseas. Please address your submission to Poetry Editor, Fiction Editor, or Art Editor. The postmark deadline is November 1. We may take until March to respond to your submission.
Poetry: Must be typed and include name, address, phone number, and email on all pages. Submit up to 5 poems. No maximum length, but long poems must be really stellar. Translations welcomed, if accompanied with permission of author/rights holder. Special formatting might be adjusted to fit our page size.