The There Blog

Because Gertrude Stein said "there is no there there."

Thursday, March 15, 2007

a new issue will be coming soon

Well, I finally started working on the next issue of There. I'm a bit behind schedule, and it will be a smaller issue -- a mini-issue, perhaps -- but I just have to get it done so I can get on to all the other things I should be working on.

I've been thinking about including some of my own poetry this issue. I've got this longish poem, "lands_cape," that I haven't wanted to send out to other journals; I haven't really trusted anyone else to present it as I want it to be presented. It's 20 quatrains, and I'd want it to be spaced out with just a few stanzas to a page. So if I publish it myself, I get it to look just how I want it. But if I publish it myself, am I preventing it from getting a wider audience?

And is it wrong for me to put my own poetry on my own website? Up to this point, I've only run essay-type work on the site, as I figure that helps to guide its editorial mission. But poetry? Maybe it would be inappropriate.