The There Blog

Because Gertrude Stein said "there is no there there."

Friday, December 15, 2006

Bah, Humbug!

Maybe I just don't get it, but I am not feeling the holiday spirit this year. The music is mostly dreadful; the forced cheeriness is terrible; the food is making me fat; the weather is making me sad. But most of all, it is the shopping for useless crap for people I don't particularly like (office party, anyone?) makes my skin crawl.

So I am putting the world on notice: I'm through. I'm not buying anyone else a present just because I'm supposed to. I will be handing out handicrafts and homemade art projects. I will occasionally buy something the recipient will actually like. But that's it. No more consuming just to be consuming. And, if I can help it, I don't want to set foot in a mall.

Let this is be a non-proliferation treaty.